Categoría: Noticias

Reality Realty New Headquarters Coming Soon!!!

We are already in the process of building our new headquarters in Santurce, Puerto Rico!!!
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Who Will Disrupt Real Estate?

Frederic Lardinois (@fredericl) I don’t even want to imagine what looking for a house was like in the 80s. Over the last few years, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin and others have done a lot to make more information available to those who want to buy and sell their homes. Today, I can easily get an alert […]
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Urgen se asignen más fondos al programa “Mi Casa Propia”

El presidente de la ACH, Roberto “Tito” Trápaga, alertó sobre la importancia de que se asignen los fondos necesarios para que dicho programa continúe funcionando. Por: Ileana Lopez / Especial Construcción Con solo aproximadamente $530,000 disponibles en el fondo del programa “Mi Casa Propia”, el cual concluye el 30 de junio de 2014, el presidente […]
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International News – Dubai, the truly global real estate market

According to NAR’s last survey of foreign buyers, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) did not make the list of top 10 investors in U.S. real estate. So why does this country matter to NAR members looking to grow their global business? The UAE is home to an emirate or “city-state” called Dubai, a booming and […]
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International News – 10 fastest growing cities

Whether it’s an oil boom or an influx of tech jobs, the populations of these 10 cities grew faster than in any other major metro area between July 2012 and July 2013, according to data from the Census Bureau. Austin Population: 1.9 million % gain : 2.6% New residents: 47,941 A thriving university town with […]
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El Préstamo de Veteranos y sus beneficios

Para ser elegible para este tipo de producto debe ser veterano y no necesariamente tiene que haber estado en la guerra. Por Aritza Ortiz, Gerente Cooperativa Oriental Placita Roosevelt En la Cooperativa Oriental ofrecemos todos los productos hipotecarios. Uno de esos productos es el préstamo de veteranos, que esta asegurado por la Administración de Veteranos. […]
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Entrevista – PRAR Presenta enmiendas a la Ley 10

Los cambios propuestos en la P de la C 1529 son numerosos, complejos y afectan muchas de las prácticas de la industria. Por Maricarmen Reguero / Revista Construccion En estas últimas semanas se ha incrementado el tema de las nuevas enmiendas que se pretenden legislar para establecer cambios a la Ley 10 que rige a […]
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Nueva protección al arrendatario contra la AAA

La ruta debe seguir la de continuar eliminado barreras que impiden el libre flujo del tráfico comercial. Por Lcdo. Rafael Ferreira Cintrón, BBA, MBA, JD / Para Construcción Es posible que usted se haya visto en la situación que describimos a continuación o que al menos conozca a alguien que ha tenido la siguiente experiencia. […]
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International News – January kicks off year with double-digit home-price gains

By Tommy Unger, Redfin Home prices are off to a strong start in 2014. Last year, prices were up 14 percent in January and then continued to rise sharply during the first half of the year, leading us to wonder if they were reaching unsustainable territory. But, here we are again, with January 2014 home […]
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Doral Mortgage partners with San Juan Board of Realtors

Written by Contributor //  February 13, 2014 As part of its commitment to the real estate sector, Doral Mortgage announced Wednesday its partnership with San Juan Board of Realtors, which includes supporting the trade group’s continued education program, among other initiatives. Before a group of realtors, representatives of the Home Builders Association, members of the […]
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